About Me

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I like food, walks, cuddles, more food, the seaside, other dogs, food, my frisbee and destroying things. Most of all I love My People and lots of lovely attention. Some say I'm spoiled. I say I get treated as I should be ;) I'm a healthy happy eight year old. The only thing wrong with me (God willing) is epilepsy which costs my owners lots of money and means I have to eat yukky tablets but otherwise seems to bother them more than it bothers me because they remember my fits and I don't. Other than that, I'm a happy lad and I love my people and I'm lucky to live in a place where there are nice walks. I wouldn't want to live in a town.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Wimbledon Weather


Poor Mummy didn’t have a chest infection but she did have a nasty fluey virus and has felt horrible this week. She should have stayed home from work and she kept talking about it, but she didn’t feel able to because they are very short-staffed there, she said, and some of the patients might not have been treated if she wasn’t there. She came home each day very tired and my walks got slower and slooooower….! Good old Mummy still took me on my proper walks though (she did have to have a sleep afterwards though) despite her feeling so rough and its raining a lot (though not as much as some parts of the country, which have flooded). She listened to the tennis on our walks and was very cross with somebody called Tim.

Everybody around us seems to be having problems in their relationships. Mummy is pleased, she says, that she has “climbed off that merry-go-round” and “doesn’t bother with men any more” and she says that life is much better with just her, Auntie and me. I certainly like it that way. I don’t think that I would like to share her with some man. Auntie had her big meeting with The Man who upset her and they are going to be friends. Mummy goes all thin-lipped when they talk about him and keeps saying that she is going to feed his man bits to me. She says she will put them in batter with sweet and sour sauce…could be interesting!

I saw my Melody the other day. We called for her one day, but Auntie Geri was out but Melody heard Mummy go “BrucIEEE!” to me (which means that I had better ‘get here now’, or get moaned at) and then Melo started howling and calling to me. The next day, Auntie Geri sent Mummy a message saying that Melo had been “bursting out of her skin” so could they walk together. Mummy confessed that it was her fault that Melo was so wound up.

Auntie is out with Auntie Claire now talking about “things”. There’s an awful lot of talk about “things” right now. I’m glad that I am not a human and that I am single.

Regards to all,

Bruce xxx

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