About Me

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I like food, walks, cuddles, more food, the seaside, other dogs, food, my frisbee and destroying things. Most of all I love My People and lots of lovely attention. Some say I'm spoiled. I say I get treated as I should be ;) I'm a healthy happy eight year old. The only thing wrong with me (God willing) is epilepsy which costs my owners lots of money and means I have to eat yukky tablets but otherwise seems to bother them more than it bothers me because they remember my fits and I don't. Other than that, I'm a happy lad and I love my people and I'm lucky to live in a place where there are nice walks. I wouldn't want to live in a town.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hello everyone,

I am on the mend now. I still have a bit of a fuzzy head and Mummy says I am being naughtier than usual - I forgot myself and put my teeth on her hand – only gently- when we were playing and I ran and jumped at her and these are things I used to do when I was younger and Mummy has taught me not to do. Also, I have been ravenous all the time and have been scavenging and begging for My People’s food, which is another thing that I have been told Not To Do.

I’ll tell you a funny story though – My People have taught me to say their names (two barks and a woo for Auntie, one bark and a woo for Mummy) and today, when Mummy came home, she went upstairs and had a wash but first she put out some doggy treats to take on our walk. Well, I had them away – I know it was naughty of me but I couldn’t resist. When Mummy came down, she said who took these and I barked Auntie’s name! She didn’t believe me though, cos Auntie was at work.

I have seen Buster several times over the last few days. He tried to do rude things to my back end so I ran away. On Saturday, I saw my Emily and Troy and when Troy bit my tail and then my back, I beat him up but Mummy said I am a gentleman because I did not bite him. I want to get on with him but he is scared of me and just tries to bite me so I don’t think it’s going to happen. I am still in love with Emily though…

On Saturday, I drowned my brand new Frisbee in a pond over the fields. Mummy keeps trying to dredge it out with a branch and I keep jumping in and making the water all cloudy and then shaking myself all over her. She says I am a very naughty boy but she is glad I am better enough to be naughty so I am getting away with it. Tee hee….

Well, I am tired now so I will say bye for now,


Bruce x

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