About Me

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I like food, walks, cuddles, more food, the seaside, other dogs, food, my frisbee and destroying things. Most of all I love My People and lots of lovely attention. Some say I'm spoiled. I say I get treated as I should be ;) I'm a healthy happy eight year old. The only thing wrong with me (God willing) is epilepsy which costs my owners lots of money and means I have to eat yukky tablets but otherwise seems to bother them more than it bothers me because they remember my fits and I don't. Other than that, I'm a happy lad and I love my people and I'm lucky to live in a place where there are nice walks. I wouldn't want to live in a town.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ups And Downs


Apologies again for the lack of weekday blogging – because of Mummy’s burned face (which is much better but she has to keep it out of the sun for six months), we have been having evening walks. In the afternoon, she won’t come up here to type out my dictation (!) because she won’t leave me when she has just got home from work, and in the evening she walks me and then cooks the tea and spends time with Auntie so all round, she doesn’t get up here to do this for me.

Mummy is feeling a bit delicate this morning because she and Auntie drank rum last night and had a curry to relax. They are both a bit stressed and fed up and it was the last one of a programme they have been watching so they decided to kick back. Today, Auntie has gone to work so Mummy doesn’t want to stay upstairs for long.

As usual, we could not believe a word Auntie Judy says. The Mother is moving to Our Seaside after all and my people are very upset. They don’t know whether to be stubborn and go there and hope they won’t meet her or to give up and go somewhere else. I am part of their worries as I don’t cope well with new places but I also don’t cope well with stressful situations and meeting the Mother would, I am told, be very stressful – Uncle Benjamin used to bark and bark at her to go away and he was a very sociable dog with lots of friends, Mummy says –The Mother must have done something very bad indeed to make him act like that!

Last weekend, my friends Auntie Tracy and Uncle Steve came over for the afternoon. I was feeling a bit fuzzy-headed and so was Steve but we had a nice afternoon. Auntie Tracy had some good news about a training place she wanted and has got so we were all happy for her. I got over excited and jumped up at My Auntie and accidentally put my mouth round her boob – I don’t know who was more surprised, me or her! My people say that those things get in the way of everything anyway…

Mummy went to Auntie’s work the other day and met The Man Who Upset Her. Mummy was polite to him but she says that he was squirming in his chair and getting smaller and smaller. If you have upset my people, Man, then be afraid, be very afraid…

I have a brand new Frisbee which flies a long way so that makes me happy. And my Mummy has gone back to the ward which isn’t so heavy so that makes her happy. Now we just need to make Auntie happy!

Yesterday, My People were meant to go the cinema but Uncle Ricky couldn’t go so they are waiting till next week. They went and got their hair cut instead and brought me back my new Frisbee and some munchies. Yum!

I hope you are well and hope that my friend Hugo the Elder is still alive and well,


Bruce xxx

Monday, July 23, 2007

Aunties back!

Hello eveybody!
Auntie here. Just a quick note so say that Bruce is not feeling too great so he asked me to post on here tonight. He is quiet today, he does not want his food and he did'nt want to go on his walk although it is raining heavily today to that might explain something!
Bruce has had a nice week so far. Although alot of the country has flooded due to heavy rain we have been lucky around here and we are flood free so far. Bruce, Mummy and I have been enjoying some very nice evening walks in the sunshine. We have been taking the frizbee with us and have taken advantage of some of the freshly cut fields!
Bruce enjoyed a visit from a couple of our friends yesterday. I fact Bruce has enjoyed a few visitors around the house latley. They all give him a big old fuss so he is a happy boy!
Fingers crossed Bruce will be feeling better soon and will be back online to day hi to everyone!
Take care,
Auntie xx

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Mummy Returns


Mummy is here to help me again – hoooorayyyyy! Thank you Auntie for sitting in but I am glad that Mummy is better – the burns made her a bit miserable and then she took some tablets that made her really sleepy so she really wasn’t much fun for a while there. Now she isn’t meant to go out in the sun until her skin settles down and then she has to wear sun block and a hat and she says she will keep out of the sun in the middle of the day, all of which means that we have moved my main walk until the evenings. This is quite nice, actually, because it is cooler and I get to meet different dogs (I chatted up an elderly lady Jack Russell type the other day and she told me off for sniffing too closely!!), Auntie can come with us and My People bring my Frisbee and I get to chase it a lot. I drowned my yellow in a puddle but My People got it out again then I drowned my brand new pink Frisbee in a ditch and Mummy told me that I was a Bad dog lots and lots of times. Boooooo.

Last winter, I drowned a brand new pink Frisbee in a pond so Mummy and I walked to that pond and it had dried up so Mummy dug the Frisbee out of the mud at the bottom and then we played with that one.

My People were very anxious because the Big Decision was going to happen this week about The Mother and The Seaside. Mummy talked for ages to Auntie Judy the night before and she explained that all the reasons why we like our Seaside are all the reasons why The Mother would not enjoy leaving there – it’s a very small town (it’s called a town but it’s about the same size as our village), there are hardly any people therefore hardly any places to eat and drink, the place is full of memories, the places to stay are a long way from the shops and pubs. This all suits My People but would be difficult for an old heavy lady in a wheelchair who can only walk a few steps, especially as the bit with the pubs and shops and chippy is very hilly! We don’t know if this got relayed back to The Mother but the next day, apparently she looked at a new Home and said she didn’t want to go there but she doesn’t want to live in our Seaside either - she wants to stay in the Seaside where she already lives!!

Mummy and Auntie both visibly relaxed when they heard this – Mummy was out on a walk with me in the woods and ended up crying as we were walking and telling me that I was a very good boy and stroking me, I don’t know why. Apparently, The Mother might have to go to Our Seaside for a short while until the Social Worker can sort out a home in the right town, and so we might lose it for this year and have to try somewhere new, but we will hopefully get it back for other years. And I LOVE our seaside so that makes me happy!

Poor Auntie went out with That Man Who upset her on Friday. She stayed out all night (she slept at Auntie Judy’s) and I slept by the door in case she came home, which Mummy thought was sweet. Auntie got very drunk on her night out and was sick and had a row with That Man so it wasn’t good. Yesterday, Mummy went to town to meet her and Uncle Ricky and they saw the Harry Potter movie (which they enjoyed) and then Auntie came home and cuddled me then had a sleep and we had a nice walk in the evening when My People talked and talked and talked…..

An old friend of Mummy’s who she used to go to school with and who I have never met is coming to see us this afternoon. Mummy is a bit nervous and Auntie is frantically cleaning (Mummy will start tidying and washing up and all that stuff when Auntie has done the floor). Mummy was saying that the Headmistress in the movie was just like the Headmistress in the school that her and this lady Emma used to go. I think she might be nervous. I hope the new lady will like me….

Regards to all, Bruce xxx

Monday, July 09, 2007

Tonights special guest - Auntie!

Hi all,

Auntie here! Bruce has asked me to make a guest appearance as unfortunatley Mummy has not been well so he has not liked to ask her to help him post.

Mummy has got a rather nasty burn on her face after a mishap while cooking. She will be all better soon but because of the burn she has not been able to go out in the sun and will have to be careful for some time. Poor Mummy, just as the great british summer has finally given us some sun instead of rain she has to stay out of it.

Bruce has been lucky though, he has still managed to see some of his friends. He had a small walk with Melody the other day and this morning he ran into Blossom while I took him for his morning stroll.

This evening turned out to be quite eventful, we thought we would have a nice walk over the fields as the sun is not that strong. We threw the frizbee and lost it in a cornfield but clever Bruce used his nose and found it! After all his hard work we had to hide under a tree as we got caught in a storm! As you may know Bruce does not like storms but today he was very brave and although soggy we all got home just fine!

Fingers crossed Mummy will be feeling better soon and she will be able to help Bruce with his blogging, they both send their regards and hope you are all well!

Take care,

Auntie xxx

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Wimbledon Weather


Poor Mummy didn’t have a chest infection but she did have a nasty fluey virus and has felt horrible this week. She should have stayed home from work and she kept talking about it, but she didn’t feel able to because they are very short-staffed there, she said, and some of the patients might not have been treated if she wasn’t there. She came home each day very tired and my walks got slower and slooooower….! Good old Mummy still took me on my proper walks though (she did have to have a sleep afterwards though) despite her feeling so rough and its raining a lot (though not as much as some parts of the country, which have flooded). She listened to the tennis on our walks and was very cross with somebody called Tim.

Everybody around us seems to be having problems in their relationships. Mummy is pleased, she says, that she has “climbed off that merry-go-round” and “doesn’t bother with men any more” and she says that life is much better with just her, Auntie and me. I certainly like it that way. I don’t think that I would like to share her with some man. Auntie had her big meeting with The Man who upset her and they are going to be friends. Mummy goes all thin-lipped when they talk about him and keeps saying that she is going to feed his man bits to me. She says she will put them in batter with sweet and sour sauce…could be interesting!

I saw my Melody the other day. We called for her one day, but Auntie Geri was out but Melody heard Mummy go “BrucIEEE!” to me (which means that I had better ‘get here now’, or get moaned at) and then Melo started howling and calling to me. The next day, Auntie Geri sent Mummy a message saying that Melo had been “bursting out of her skin” so could they walk together. Mummy confessed that it was her fault that Melo was so wound up.

Auntie is out with Auntie Claire now talking about “things”. There’s an awful lot of talk about “things” right now. I’m glad that I am not a human and that I am single.

Regards to all,

Bruce xxx