Mummy is here to help me again – hoooorayyyyy! Thank you Auntie for sitting in but I am glad that Mummy is better – the burns made her a bit miserable and then she took some tablets that made her really sleepy so she really wasn’t much fun for a while there. Now she isn’t meant to go out in the sun until her skin settles down and then she has to wear sun block and a hat and she says she will keep out of the sun in the middle of the day, all of which means that we have moved my main walk until the evenings. This is quite nice, actually, because it is cooler and I get to meet different dogs (I chatted up an elderly lady Jack Russell type the other day and she told me off for sniffing too closely!!), Auntie can come with us and My People bring my Frisbee and I get to chase it a lot. I drowned my yellow in a puddle but My People got it out again then I drowned my brand new pink Frisbee in a ditch and Mummy told me that I was a Bad dog lots and lots of times. Boooooo.
Last winter, I drowned a brand new pink Frisbee in a pond so Mummy and I walked to that pond and it had dried up so Mummy dug the Frisbee out of the mud at the bottom and then we played with that one.
My People were very anxious because the Big Decision was going to happen this week about The Mother and The Seaside. Mummy talked for ages to Auntie Judy the night before and she explained that all the reasons why we like our Seaside are all the reasons why The Mother would not enjoy leaving there – it’s a very small town (it’s called a town but it’s about the same size as our village), there are hardly any people therefore hardly any places to eat and drink, the place is full of memories, the places to stay are a long way from the shops and pubs. This all suits My People but would be difficult for an old heavy lady in a wheelchair who can only walk a few steps, especially as the bit with the pubs and shops and chippy is very hilly! We don’t know if this got relayed back to The Mother but the next day, apparently she looked at a new Home and said she didn’t want to go there but she doesn’t want to live in our Seaside either - she wants to stay in the Seaside where she already lives!!
Mummy and Auntie both visibly relaxed when they heard this – Mummy was out on a walk with me in the woods and ended up crying as we were walking and telling me that I was a very good boy and stroking me, I don’t know why. Apparently, The Mother might have to go to Our Seaside for a short while until the Social Worker can sort out a home in the right town, and so we might lose it for this year and have to try somewhere new, but we will hopefully get it back for other years. And I LOVE our seaside so that makes me happy!
Poor Auntie went out with That Man Who upset her on Friday. She stayed out all night (she slept at Auntie Judy’s) and I slept by the door in case she came home, which Mummy thought was sweet. Auntie got very drunk on her night out and was sick and had a row with That Man so it wasn’t good. Yesterday, Mummy went to town to meet her and Uncle Ricky and they saw the Harry Potter movie (which they enjoyed) and then Auntie came home and cuddled me then had a sleep and we had a nice walk in the evening when My People talked and talked and talked…..
An old friend of Mummy’s who she used to go to school with and who I have never met is coming to see us this afternoon. Mummy is a bit nervous and Auntie is frantically cleaning (Mummy will start tidying and washing up and all that stuff when Auntie has done the floor). Mummy was saying that the Headmistress in the movie was just like the Headmistress in the school that her and this lady Emma used to go. I think she might be nervous. I hope the new lady will like me….
Regards to all, Bruce xxx
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