About Me

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I like food, walks, cuddles, more food, the seaside, other dogs, food, my frisbee and destroying things. Most of all I love My People and lots of lovely attention. Some say I'm spoiled. I say I get treated as I should be ;) I'm a healthy happy eight year old. The only thing wrong with me (God willing) is epilepsy which costs my owners lots of money and means I have to eat yukky tablets but otherwise seems to bother them more than it bothers me because they remember my fits and I don't. Other than that, I'm a happy lad and I love my people and I'm lucky to live in a place where there are nice walks. I wouldn't want to live in a town.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

On the mend!

Hi all,
Auntie here. Bruce's typing toe is still getting better so I said I would post for him tonight.
Bruce has had to have lead walks because of his sore toe and becuase of this he has a little but too much energy! After getting his leg nicly bandaged up by the nice nurse he managed to stick his leg in a puddle the next day! Luckily he didn't get his sore toe wet and the vet said we could leave the bandage off, he did give us a fright though.
Bruce has had to share his walks for the last few days with his friend Melody as Melody's mum is on a course. This was ok to start with but after three days of sharing his Mummy Bruce is not too happy. Today on our walk he decided enough was enough and when I tried to take his lead and Mummy took Melody's he decided to take action! He towed me across to Mummy and firmly planted himself between Mummy and Melody! I can see where he is coming from, sharing your Mummy is never a nice thing but still!!! We had a few words and in the end he decided walking with Auntie was an ok thing to do but this was only after Mummy had put him straight!!!! Big ol baby!
I have left Bruce and Mummy playing "Squeeky catos" downstairs so all is right with the worlld!
We are off to the vets with young sir tomorrow evening for a check up so we will let you know how he gets on.
Take care,
Auntie xx

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