About Me

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I like food, walks, cuddles, more food, the seaside, other dogs, food, my frisbee and destroying things. Most of all I love My People and lots of lovely attention. Some say I'm spoiled. I say I get treated as I should be ;) I'm a healthy happy eight year old. The only thing wrong with me (God willing) is epilepsy which costs my owners lots of money and means I have to eat yukky tablets but otherwise seems to bother them more than it bothers me because they remember my fits and I don't. Other than that, I'm a happy lad and I love my people and I'm lucky to live in a place where there are nice walks. I wouldn't want to live in a town.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Home and Away

Hello everyone - I am going to have to tell you about my holiday in episodes and then I will tell you about this week. Today's entry is about The Day We Went on Holiday.

Saturday – on our first day, the weather was horrible. I managed to have a walk with my Mummy before the taxi came and we didn’t get too wet – we hid under trees when it really rained. Then we got the taxi to The Holiday. The driver was a lady called Val who Auntie said was rough (tee hee). She was going on about the Pie and Mash shop which sells suet and meat pies with mash and liquor which is gravy made from jellied eels. I thought it sounded delicious but my people were going green! She also said that the best chips are fried in dripping but Mummy doesn’t think they do this since Mad Cow Disease.

I was a good boy on the journey down but I was a bit puzzled when we didn’t go to the Caravan Place where we went before. This year, we stayed in a flat which was above a beach where last year, I would not have been allowed, but now it is dog friendly.

Mummy took me to the beach while Auntie did some unpacking and I ran and ran in circles because I was excited and it was windy and I was pleased to be back on a beach. Auntie joined us and then we went and got some fish and chips and Auntie bought me a sausage and I also helped her to eat her fish. Yum yum! Mummy was all itchy and had bites around her knickers and she thought I had a flea so she flea-treated me before we went down there and then we were all itchy for a couple of days so she may have been right. I found it hard to settle anyway as it was a new place but I felt better when my big red pad thing went down and I had my toys. The flat was much bigger than a caravan and I found some nice places to lie down, especially Mummy’s bed, which she said was naughty.

The stupid fire alarm kept peeping if my people used the kettle or the microwave but luckily it shut up overnight, as we were all very tired. Then we went to sleep.....

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