About Me

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I like food, walks, cuddles, more food, the seaside, other dogs, food, my frisbee and destroying things. Most of all I love My People and lots of lovely attention. Some say I'm spoiled. I say I get treated as I should be ;) I'm a healthy happy eight year old. The only thing wrong with me (God willing) is epilepsy which costs my owners lots of money and means I have to eat yukky tablets but otherwise seems to bother them more than it bothers me because they remember my fits and I don't. Other than that, I'm a happy lad and I love my people and I'm lucky to live in a place where there are nice walks. I wouldn't want to live in a town.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I do try to be good and I am trying to do what Mummy asks me but sometimes you can push a dog too far. We saw the Scottish Twerp's Spaniel in the distance at the beginning of our walk and it was miles in front of him. He didn't call it back so Mummy said I had better go on lead, but she didn't make a big deal of it and told me to leave him. And I did try. I was a bit tense because of the signals he was giving me but I might have got past him ok except the Scottish Twerp suddenly said the little git's name and he sprung up and ran right at me - so I ran forward and roared at him. I didn't really really pull because I respect my Mummy and I know i shouldn't have done it but you should have heard what he said to me!

A few minutes later we met Cassie the Collie and a Labrador who is called, I think, Bonnie and I was very polite to them so Mummy was pleased with me.

Auntie has returned in one piece from her traumatic visit and Mummy, who has been very tense all day, seems to be more relaxed now. We are going to watch Eurovision tonight and they are going to drink silly drinks and eat pizza, which I will help them with.

Aunti Judy is coming over tomorrow.

Right, off to watch telly, thank you Auntie Claire for guesting last night (and proper Auntie)

I'm off (as in the picture :)

Brucie xxx

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